human papillomavirus is an important cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide
A recent report that 93 percent of invasive cervical cancer worldwide contain human papillomavirus (HPV) may be too low, because the samples are not able or integration events that affect the genes of HPV L1, which is the target of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -based tests used , Previous cases of HPV-negative from the study because it has been reviewed to HPV and HPV serum antibody DNA. Serology for HPV 16 VLP, antibody E6, and E7 performed on 49 of the 66 cases were HPV-negative and 48 samples from the 866 HPV-positive cases in the original study. In addition, 55 of 66 biopsies previously HPV-negative are also analyzed with procedures bakery where the outer part in a series of parts that used to be examined histologically, while the inside tested by three HPV PCR of different targets the open reading different frames (ORFs) , No significant differences were found in the serology for HPV 16 proteins among cases are initially HPV PCR negative and positive. E7 type-spe...